Music Reference ID Work Character RSC Line Number RSC Text Norton Oxford Line Number Norton Oxford Text F1 Character F1 Text First Edition Character First Edition Text Third Edition Text Through Line Number Q1 Q2 Q3 Arden Line Number Arden Text Oxford Line Number Oxford Text Cambridge Line Number Cambridge Text Comments
31 1 Henry IV Prince Harry 5.1.3        The southern wind | Doth ^play the trumpet^ to his purposes, | And by his ^hollow whistling^ in the leaves | Foretells a tempest and a blust’ring day. Prin. The Southerne winde | Doth play the Trumpet to his purposes, | And by his hollow whistling in the Leaues, | Fortels a Tempest, and a blust'ring day. 2638 5.1.3        5.1.3        5.1.3
32 1 Henry IV SD 5.1.8 The ^trumpet sounds^ [a ^parley^ within]. Enter [the Earl of] Worcester SD The Trumpet sounds. | Enter Worcester. 2644 5.1.8 5.1.8 The trumpet sounds [a parley within]... 5.1.8
33 1 Henry IV Hotspur 5.2.97   ^Sound^ all the ^lofty instruments^ of war, | And by that ^music^ let us all embrace Hot. Sound all the lofty Instruments of Warre, | And by that Musicke, let vs all imbrace: 2885 5.2.97   5.2.97   5.2.97
34 1 Henry IV SD 5.2.100 The ^trumpets sound^. Here they embrace SD They embrace, the Trumpets sound, the King entereth with his power, alarum vnto the battell. Then enter Dowglas, and Sir Walter Blunt. 2889 5.2.100 Here they embrace. The trumpets sound 5.2.100 Here they embrace. The trumpets sound. Exeunt 5.2.100 Here they embrace. The trumpets sound
35 1 Henry IV SD 5.3 King enters with his power. ^Alarum^ … SD . . .the King entereth with his power, alarum unto the battell . . . 2889 5.3 5.3 [5.3]
36 1 Henry IV SD 5.3.29 ^Alarum^. Enter Falstaff SD Alarum, and enter Falstaffe solus. 2923 5.3.29 5.3.29 5.3.29
37 1 Henry IV SD 5.4 ^Alarum^. Excursions. Enter King . . . SD Alarum, excursions, enter the King, the Prince, Lord Iohn of Lancaster, and Earle of Westmerland. 2957 5.4 5.4 [5.4]
38 1 Henry IV SD 5.4.151 A ^retreat is sounded^ SD A Retreat is sounded. 3124 5.4.158 5.4.153 5.4.149
39 1 Henry IV Prince 5.4.152   The ^trumpet sounds retreat^; the day is our. Prin. The Trumpets sound Retreat, the day is ours: 3125 The Trumpet sounds retrait, 5.4.159 . . . the day is ours 5.4.154 5.4.150
40 1 Henry IV SD 5.5 The ^trumpets sound^. Enter King, Prince, Lord John of Lancaster . . . SD The Trumpets sound. | Enter the King, Prince of Wales, Lord Iohn of Lancaster, Earle of Westmerland, with Worcester & Uernon Prisoners. 3133 5[.5] 5.5 [5.5]