Music Reference ID Work Character RSC Line Number RSC Text Norton Oxford Line Number Norton Oxford Text F1 Character F1 Text First Edition Character First Edition Text Third Edition Text Through Line Number Q1 Q2 Q3 Arden Line Number Arden Text Oxford Line Number Oxford Text Cambridge Line Number Cambridge Text Comments
1811 Two Noble Kinsmen First Queen 1.1.133 Remember that your fame | ^Knolls^ in the ear o’th’world 1. Qu. Remember that your Fame | Knowles in the eare, o'th world: 1.1.133 1.1.133
1812 Two Noble Kinsmen First queen 1.1.180 For what thou feel’st not, what thou feel’st being able | To make Mars spurn his ^drum^? 1. Qu. For what thou feelst not? what thou feelst being able | To make Mars spurne his Drom. 1.1.180 1.1.181
1813 Two Noble Kinsmen SD 1.1.233 ^Flourish^. Exeunt SD Florish… | Exeunt 1.1.234 1.1.234
1814 Two Noble Kinsmen Emilia 1.3.74 Had mine ear | Stol’n some new ^air^, or at adventure ^hummed^ one, | From ^musical coinage^, why, it was a ^note^ | Whereon her spirits would sojourn—rather dwell on— | And ^sing^ it in her slumbers. Emil. had mine eare | Stolne some new aire, or at adventure humd on | From misicall Coynadge, why it was a note | Whereon her spirits would sojourne (rather dwell on) | And sing it in her slumbers; 1.3.74 1.3.74 From musicall [in F4 (1679)]
1815 Two Noble Kinsmen SD 1.4 ^Cornetts^. A battle struck within. Then a ^retreat. Flourish^. Then enter Theseus, victor. . . . SD Exeunt. Cornets. | Scaena 4. A Battaile strooke withim: Then a Retrait: Florish. Then Enter Theseus (victor)… 1.4 1.4
1816 Two Noble Kinsmen SD 1.4.49 ^Flourish^. Exeunt SD Florish. | Exeunt 1.4.49 1.4.49
1817 Two Noble Kinsmen SD 1.5 ^Music^. Enter the [three]Queens with the hearses of their [lords] in a funeral solemnity SD Musicke. | Scaena 5. Enter the Queenes with the Hearses of their Knightes, in a Funerall Solempuity, &c. 1.5 1.5
1818 Two Noble Kinsmen [Three Queens] 1.5.1 [^Song^] ‘Urns and odours, bring away’ Vrnes, and odours, bring away, 1.5.1 [The dirge]… 1.5.1 The Three queens (sing) Urns…
1819 Two Noble Kinsmen Arcite 2.2.36 The fair-eyed maids shall weep our banishments, | And in their ^songs^ curse ever-blinded fortune Arcite. The faire-eyd Maides, shall weepe our Banishments, | And in their Songs, curse ever-blinded fortune 2.2.37 2.2.37
1820 Two Noble Kinsmen Palamon 2.2.276 I’ll shake ‘em so ye shall not sleep: | I’ll make ye a new ^morris^. Pal. Ile shake'em so, ye shall not sleepe, | Ile make ye a new Morrisse 2.2.275 2.3.275